Try to Pick the Perfect Cleveland Winter Day

click to enlarge Choose Your Own Cleveland Winter Adventure
Illustration by Luster Kaboom

It's wintertime in Cleveland and, you know what... That's just perfect. Sure, the cold, the darkness, the wind, the snow will be around but you are not going to let it get you down. You're going to conquer the season. You're going to embrace it, taking Old Man Winter's hand and saying, "Let's go, you pasty grump. There's fun to be had. Grab your mittens and don't waste a second."

But the city is full of options, and you have to know what to do and what to avoid. Because your enthusiasm can quickly fade if you err in your decision making.

So your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to have the perfect winter day. There are pitfalls and roadblocks lurking around every corner, so be careful and choose wisely. Succeed and you'll come out the other end with a smile. Fail, and well...

Start by choosing one of the options below to kick off the day, then follow the instructions underneath to follow along through page numbers of the "book."

You slept in, and boy did you sleep like a rock. There's no work in sight today and the whole day stretches before you. Do you...

Head out on a beautiful, snowy hike. (Turn to page 2)

Hit Brandywine for some tubing. (Turn to page 3)

Head to the Christmas Story house. (Turn to page 4)

Hit the toboggan chutes in the Metroparks. (Turn to page 5)

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