George Steinbrenner: Bay Village a "Hicksville Town"

Not a fan of Bay Village.
  • Not a fan of Bay Village.

A lovely old lady named Mary Jane Schriner has nearly two dozen letters that a young George Steinbrenner wrote to her back in the day.

The AP has previously reported that the New York Yankees are preventing her from publishing them in a book, but that hasn't stopped her from spilling the beans on some of the letters' contents and writing about George and his missives on her blog. (Yes, this sweet 77-year-old woman blogs.)

Both Schriner and Steinbrenner grew up in Bay Village, and in one letter Steinbrenner writes of the quaint suburb as "the Hicksville town we live in."

Also, Steinbrenner was concerned about pollution. Here's George getting his activist sweater on, courtesy of Crain's Cleveland:

The sweetly earnest letter reflects a main concern of the day — pollution — and includes lines like, “We here (sic) most of the parents say, ‘Pollution could not possibly effect us,' but it could,” and “Parents also say we should get a education, for we are the citizens of tomorrow, but with pollution there would not be a tomorrow.”

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Vince Grzegorek

Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012. He previously worked at Discount Drug Mart and Texas Roadhouse.
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