Madonna Announces February 2024 Rescheduled Cleveland Concert Date

“The Celebration Tour” highlights the singer’s 40-year career

click to enlarge Madonna. - Ricardo Gomes
Ricardo Gomes

Madonna this week announced the new Cleveland date of her North American tour, now coming to the Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse on February 8, 2024.

All tickets for the original date, which was canceled after the pop star was hospitalized in late June for a serious bacterial infection, will be honored.

“My first thought when I woke up in the hospital was my children,” she wrote earlier this summer on social media. “My second thought was that I did not want to disappoint anyone who bought tickets for my tour. I also didn’t want to let down the people who worked tirelessly with me over the past few months to create my show. I hate to disappoint anyone.”

“The Celebration Tour” highlights the singer’s 40-year career.

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