The Buffalo Ryders Address Social Issues on New Album

Cleveland indie rock band will play a release party on December 10 at Musica in Akron

click to enlarge The Buffalo Ryders. - Courtesy of the Buffalo Ryders
Courtesy of the Buffalo Ryders
The Buffalo Ryders.
After a steady year of regional touring, Cleveland’s the Buffalo Ryders — singer-guitarist Joe Risdon, drummer Mike Lupica and bassist Kevin McManus — recorded Going Nowhere, the follow-up to their 2021 debut, Where the Liars Go, at Amish Electric Chair Studios in Athens, OH with producer-engineer Neil Tuuri in February 2022.

“Leading into the second winter of the pandemic, touring started to slowdown again, and we had the time to write again,” says Risdon in a press release about the indie rock trio's new LP, who adds that the band addresses "societal struggles" on the album. “We wanted to challenge ourselves to write a nostalgic, assorted collection of songs that would keep listeners wanting more — a box of chocolates if you will.”

“This album is like earth, it was designed to be kept spinning” says Lupica.

The Buffalo Ryders will perform at an album release party on Saturday, Dec. 10, at Musica in Akron.

They plan to support the new release with regional performances as well.

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Jeff Niesel

Jeff has been covering the Cleveland music scene for more than 20 years now. And on a regular basis, he tries to talk to whatever big acts are coming through town, too. If you're in a band that he needs to hear, email him at [email protected].
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